JPS has an Art & craft Department providing the latest creation of drawing & painting, use of waste material, various types of paintings eg. Gum painting, thread painting, marble painting, sand painting, oil painting, crayon painting, sketches, portraits and much more.In craft girls are taught knitting,  stitching, crochet, tatting, fabric painting, embroidery, macramae, weaving, cooking etc. Boys are taught wood carving, wall painting, basket weaving carpet weaving, articles made from bamboo etc.  


JPS has music room known as SARGAM where children of all the classes are taught vocal music,  ShastriyaSangeet&  English songs by extremely talented teachers, all flowing with rythem and melody. The instruments like guitar, drum, harmonium ,piano, mouth organ to hone the talent of students. During the morning assembly, the school resonates with melodious chanting of  prayer “Guru meri puja.”

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